Thursday 17 February 2011

valentines lou sang~

In valentines,
we have LOU SANG session special organise by upper science stream students...
during 2nd recess,in canteen(since we cant make it in classroom)
gather bout up to 50 peoples...
teachers and students ~
making lot of fun and noise ^^

--- in process preparing ---

 --- ingredients ---

--- busy decorating ee sang.---

--- spot mun ping ---
not only know to make chao, but helpful ~

--- sue teng , ruth and pay zhi ---

---with nuts powder---

---Complete sets in series..---

---Group photo (Sorry, camera can't fit everybody inside and there's backlight)---

---Woah~ Let's lao sang!!---

---busy eating...---


---ruth feeding pn goh ---

--- cleaning process ---

--- everyone involve ^^---

--- guys discuss how's the next step ---

--- washing plate ---


---Longman washing the plates!! **clap clap---
Whoever wanna marry him???

  --- soooooo clean ---

picture credits by RUTH^^

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